Craniosacral Therapy - what is it?

Craniosacral Therapy supports your body's innate ability to balance, restore and heal itself, as well as helping to reduce stress and build your underlying energy. I sense tensions in your body and help to release them in a supported and comfortable way. During or after a session you may feel calm and energised, with increased clarity of mind and a feeling of well-being.

A core principle is to strenghen the health- our deepest inner (re)source in life.
Furthermore, treatments involve, with an orientation to resources, working with the imprints of trauma. The physiology of stress and shock is also recognized.


Craniosacral Therapy may be helpful if you...

... need to process shock or traumatic experiences

... would like to support your recovery from injury or after surgery

... you have menstrual/hormonal disorders

... would like to prepare for giving birth, or for rebalancing after birth, or to treat your baby or child (ie. excessive crying, troubles with feeding, learning disorders, etc.)

... suffer from neuralgia (i.e. facial pain), neck- or back pain, frozen shoulder, sciatica, ...

... have allergies

... want to integrate a sense of (emotional) balance in your daily life

​... have chronic sinusitis, headaches/migrainestress and tinnitus

... are interested in working with your inner self

... are in difficult walks of life and would like to establish balance between body, mind and spirit

... would like to free up locked energy or help your body with its self-healing process.

Video about Craniosacral Therapy

Brief history:
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy has its roots in the osteopathic tradition of William Garner Sutherland (Cranial Osteopath) who, in the early 20th century, had a revelation about the motion of cranial bones. He spent fifty years of his life studying and researching these motions.
At 75 years old he had that further revelations about what drives these motions:
He concluded that they are driven by a deep underlying force, which he named the Breath of Life. The Breath of Life carries an inherent intelligence that creates order in body and mind.

Craniosacral Therapy is a further development of what Sutherland has discovered and is taught in different styles but are all based on the common approach: listening to the client's body and using very subtile techniques to effect profound change. (click here for a detailed description about the history of CST  or even more detailed here)

I especially love working with the underlying forces in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy because it adresses the roots of the patterns present in the body. From here I can most effectively support the body to heal itself.


Craniosacral therapy is not considered a substitute for conventional western medicine, although people often invest in treatment having exhausted all that the NHS and conventional medicine has to offer them. Craniosacral therapy is intended to complement, rather than replace conventional medical advice.

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