
  • Martha Egger is a member of the CSTA (Craniosacral Therapy Association)
    Craniosacral Therapy Association UK

Graduate at the International School for Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy between January 2005 and November 2008

This training involved:
Ten seminars of classroom attendance (50 days) plus home study, totalling around 930 hours of tuition, Review days (10), Meetings in study groups, my personal commitment to explore and read about this field of work, personal experience of Craniosacral Therapy, a final project and examination.


May 2007: The Living Matrix and Trauma Energetics with Dr. James Oschman.

August 2007: Stillness and Form with Michael Kern D.O., R.C.S.T. (UK).

November 2007: Craniosacral healing for babies and infants with Friedrich Wolf (D).

May 2009: The Polyvagal Theory, Love or Trauma with Prof. Stephen Porges PH.D

2012 - 2013: Alta Major Practitioner Training with Divo Köppen-Weber (A).

May 2014: Hands on Trauma with Katherine Ukleja D.O., R.C.S.T., B.C.S.T.(UK).

June 2015: Stress - The modern day plague with Katherine Ukleja D.O., R.C.S.T., B.C.S.T. (UK).

November 2014 - January 2016: Feminine Power Mastery Training with Claire Zammit, leader of the global community of the Awakening women (USA).

June 2016: First Aid Appointed Person Course.

2016, 2017, 2018: Exploring skills in Somatic Experiencing with Prahlad Galbiati (trauma work by Peter Levine)

December 2016: Chronic Fatigue Conditions and Craniosacral Therapy with Viola Sampson B.C.S.T., R.C.S.T.

May 2017: Healing Traumatic Stress: helping mind, brain and body to let go of the past with Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk.

July 2017: Incorporating Mindfulness into Children's Yoga with Emma Charvet.

March 2018: Behind the Smile. Clinical approaches to a group of cranial nerves which play a vital role in emotional regulation and in trauma physiology  with Katherine Ukleja D.O., R.C.S.T., B.C.S.T. (UK).

September 2018: The Voice and the Hyoid with Katherine Ukleja D.O., R.C.S.T., B.C.S.T. (UK).

March 2019: Focusing for Craniosacral Practitioners with Katherine Ukleja D.O., R.C.S.T., B.C.S.T. (UK)

October 2019: The Pelvis and Women's Health with Katherine Ukleja D.O., R.C.S.T., B.C.S.T. (UK)

2020, 2021: various online webinars with Franklyn Sills, Michael Kern, Ian Wright, Jim Feil, Jaap van der Wal

November 2022: PAN Sussex Self harm learning Conference by West Sussex Mind (UK)

September 2023: A day of working with Trauma with Sarah Nesling and Mary Bolingbroke (UK)

November 2024: The Biodynamics of Living and Dying with Michael Kern (UK)

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